GRI 402
50Hertz is not only committed to the freedom of association, collective industrial agreements and the protection of employees’representatives but also values the trusting and persistent cooperation with all codetermination bodies. The Supervisory Board of 50Hertz comprises six members and is above the equal representation of employee and employer interests as contractually guaranteed by legal requirements. In 5 supervisory board meetings in 2019, through written reports, and in verbal presentations conducted by management, the Supervisory Board was updated, and discussed the current status of our business, our economic situation and the status and development of risks. A Spokesmen’s Committee with information and consultation rights represents the interests of our executives.
Our Works Councilis responsible for representing all employees who are protected by collective agreements and all non-pay scale employees at 50Hertz. A group-wide exchange takes place in the European Works Council of Elia Group. During joint activities like the Industrial Group Committee of the Electricity Industry and the Work Group of Network Operators, we actively cultivate employee interests in the infrastructure networks’sector. Furthermore, we regularly send guest speakers and lecturers to educational events hosted by IG BCE to further boost knowledge on both sides. In order to support our employees’ union commitment, we offer orientation and information events such as our “Schnupperkurse Mitbestimmung” (trial courses on codetermination). The youth and trainee representation (Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung – JAV), which was first established and elected for a two-year term in December 2016, represents the interests of our young employeesacross the board. JAV operates closely with the other codetermination bodies.