GRI 102-18, GRI 102-22
Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, 50Hertz has a dual board system typical for German companies. It consists of an Executive Board (‘Geschäftsleitung’) responsible for the day-to-day management of the company, and a Supervisory Board (‘Aufsichtsrat’) governing and controlling executive management. Exceeding legal requirements, the 50Hertz Supervisory Board comprises equal numbers of employee and employer representatives. Additional oversight is provided by the Supervisory Board of Eurogrid GmbH.
In addition to the members specified below, both supervisory entities also benefit from the regular participation of an observer from the Federal Government.
The Executive Board convenes weekly, while the Supervisory Board meets on a quarterly basis. The Eurogrid Supervisory Board as well as its Audit- and Investment Committees take place five times annually.