GRI 305-1, GRI 305-2, GRI Sector disclosure EU12
Energy losses inevitably occur during electricity transmission. They occur in the form of electricity heat losses in conductor cables, transformers and other system elements as well as discharge and corona losses. In 2023, 50Hertz's grid losses amounted to approx. 2.5 TWh, which caused greenhouse gas emissions of approx. 833kt and was therefore by far the largest item in 50Hertz's carbon footprint. With the SuedOstLink between Saxony-Anhalt and Bavaria, 50Hertz has planned the first 525 kV extra-high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line in its grid area. This technology is better suited than conventional three-phase technology for transmitting large amounts of electricity over long distances in an optimally controllable and targeted manner with low grid losses. In the medium and long term, increasing shares of renewable energies in the 50Hertz grid will also result in lower grid loss emissions. This effect will more than compensate for increasing grid loss volumes due to grid expansion and the volatile feed-in of renewable energies.
The largest item of our GHG emissions that we can directly influence is our electricity consumption. An energy audit was therefore carried out for the third time in 2023 in order to obtain an up-to-date picture of consumption and efficiency potential. We have also set ourselves the goal of introducing an energy management system in accordance with ISO50001 by 2025 in order to focus even more strongly on energy efficiency in the future.
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is used as an insulating and switching gas in gas-insulated high-voltage switchgear. It has very good electrical properties, is non-toxic and chemically very stable. However, SF6 has a global warming potential that is approx. 23,500 times higher per unit of substance than CO2. For this reason, SF6 is used in the switchgear in a closed cycle, which means that emissions into the environment are virtually eliminated. The pressure vessels are permanently monitored for possible leaks. However, despite all these protective measures, natural leakage cannot be completely avoided due to the sealing technology and the necessary gas handling. According to a voluntary commitment by SF6 producers and users in Germany, the leakage rate measured on the total SF6 inventory may only amount to 0.6 percent - at 50Hertz, this rate was significantly lower at 0.07 percent in the reporting year. 50Hertz handles this technical gas extremely sensitively and responsibly during transportation, storage and use and is striving to find an alternative solution. However, there is currently no market-ready alternative to SF6 for switchgear at the 220 and 380 kV level. A 123 kV switchgear with an alternative gas mixture was put into operation for the first time at the Charlottenburg substation in 2021. This reduces the greenhouse effect by 99 percent compared to SF6 systems with the same performance. It was also decided to place recycled SF6 on an equal footing with brand-new SF6 and to use it in future. In this way, 50Hertz is making an important contribution to reducing the amount of SF6 in use, as this reduces production. With the Group-wide ActNow sustainability program, we are driving forward the issue of future substitution of sulphur hexafluoride by setting ourselves the goal of replacing at least 50% of the expected plant expansion by 2030 with SF6-free alternatives. In the 2023 reporting year - as in previous years - CO2 certificates in the amount of the GHG emissions caused by SF6 losses were purchased via the service provider Atmosfair and invested in a climate protection project in Senegal.
In addition to the aforementioned items, travel and our vehicle fleet, which is crucial for rapid access to our facilities, have an impact on our carbon footprint. In 2023, emissions from mobility amounted to 2,035 tons of CO2 (previous year: 1,743 tons of CO2), of which around 1,771 tons were attributable to the company car fleet. As part of the "ActNow" sustainability program, 50Hertz has adopted the goal of an emission-free vehicle fleet by 2030. To this end, the existing fleet was analyzed and a roadmap for vehicle replacement was developed and accompanying measures, such as the creation of the necessary charging infrastructure at numerous company locations, were adopted. In 2023, CO2 certificates equivalent to the full CO2 emissions from business air travel were also purchased via the service provider Atmosfair and invested in a climate protection project in Senegal.
50Hertz follows the principle of avoidance before reduction before substitution before compensation for the company's own climate protection targets. This means that offsetting greenhouse gas emissions via climate protection projects or CO2 removal should only be used for the emissions remaining after avoidance, reduction and substitution.