In 2020, the Elia and 50Hertz sustainability teams launched a group-wide sustainability initiative. As Elia Group we commit ourselves with this initiative to align our internal processes and decisions with our Vision. This ambition has been translated into five sustainability goals - so-called lighthouses. These make it clear which priorities we as a group will set in the coming years. This includes the aspects "Climate Change", "Environment", "Occupational Safety" and "Diversity & Inclusion" as well as "Ethical Values & Standards". In the area of action "climate change", for example, we have set ourselves the goal of reducing our CO2 footprint by 40% by 2030 and to cover 100% of the electricity consumption in our grid area from renewable energies by 2032, calculated over the year.
"ACT NOW - for a Sustainable World" is the slogan of the sustainability initiative. On the one hand, it illustrates our willingness to create this sustainable world together and, on the other hand, the necessity and urgency to act now. The five lighthouses are derived from the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.