Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
In accordance with the requirements of the German Supply Chain Safety Obligations Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG), in addition to conducting annual and ad hoc risk analyses of its own business unit and its direct suppliers, a complaints procedure based on the following rules of procedure has been established.
Rules of Procedure in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
The Elia Group has set itself the primary goal of respecting human rights, the rights of employees and their representatives, protecting the environment and behaving ethically. Violations of legal provisions as well as internal regulations can have serious consequences and must therefore be recognised at an early stage in order to initiate appropriate countermeasures in good time and thus avert possible damage. Against this background, the reporting channels already established at 50Hertz Transmission GmbH for submitting (anonymous) information on legal violations have been supplemented by a group-wide electronic reporting channel, which can be used in particular to submit human rights and environmental complaints in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
Regardless of whether you work for us or not, report known or suspected violations of legal provisions and binding regulations. In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), reporting persons are protected from reprisals and the confidentiality of all parties involved is guaranteed at all times. Reports can therefore also be made anonymously.
First of all, there must be a reportable fact. This is the case if there is either a general violation of the law or a human rights or environmental violation in the company's own business or in the supply chain.
All employees and external persons, such as suppliers or business partners, can submit notices and reports via the following channels:
• Electronic whistleblower system
At you can reach the online reporting channel of the Elia Group. The input masks are available in different languages and are first forwarded to the internal reporting office (according to HinSchG).
• Legal Ombudsman
You can reach our external and independent ombudsman at the following contact details:
Dr. David Albrecht (Ppermanent representative of the ombudsman: lawyer Sophia Hoffmeister)
Potsdamer Platz 8
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30-3186-8546
Regardless of the choice of communication channel, all reports will be treated confidentially. The confidentiality of the identity of the person providing the information as well as other information will be maintained throughout the entire process. However, legal obligations to provide information to authorities and legal exceptions to the confidentiality requirement must be taken into account.
All incoming information is initially processed exclusively by the internal reporting office (in accordance with the HinSchG) on the basis of a defined authorisation concept. The internal reporting office is impartial, independent and bound to secrecy in the performance of its duties. If you have any questions, please contact our Compliance Coordinator, Boris Rogowski, telephone: 030-5150-2787.
Protection of the persons providing the information
Protecting whistleblowers from being discriminated against or punished on the basis of whistleblowing is an important part of our complaints procedure. Repression against a whistleblower is prohibited.
If you feel that you are suffering intimidation or repression as a result of your whistleblowing, please contact our Compliance Coordinator, Boris Rogowski, telephone: 030-5150-2787.
- Receipt of the report
After receipt of the tip, the person providing the tip receives an acknowledgement of receipt within 7 days.
If the report is deemed inadmissible or unspecific, a reasoned rejection will be issued. If the wrong reporting channel was used by mistake, a referral to the corresponding channel will be made.
If the report is admissible, the next steps follow.
- Investigation of the facts
If the suspicion is confirmed during an initial check, the relevant facts are investigated in detail. Depending on the information available, further information is obtained if necessary and, if the case is highly urgent, appropriate immediate measures are taken. If a case has a specific investigation mandate, it can be assigned to a corresponding investigation unit (e.g. data protection, auditing, legal department, purchasing, human resources).
If human rights and environmental risks or violations of human rights or environmental obligations are confirmed in the own business unit or at suppliers, either appropriate remedial measures are initiated immediately or, if applicable, existing preventive measures are reviewed in detail. If contact details are available, the person making the report can be included in the process. The implementation of the measures is followed up and centrally coordinated by the responsible unit.
- Conclusion of the procedure
The whistleblower will be informed of the case closure and the final decision within three months, unless he or she remains anonymous.