GRI 403-1, GRI Sector disclosure LA6 OHS
At 50Hertz, protecting the health and safety of employees is the highest priority, as is underscored by the guideline on occupational health and safety, which is binding for all employees. In the reporting year, the occupational health and safety management system pursuant to DIN ISO 45001:2018 was confirmed in a surveillance audit without any exceptions. As part of an annual internal audit plan, 10 audits were performed to continuously enhance the management system. Issues relating to occupational health and safety are an integral part of the weekly management meetings.
Every employee is instructed on how to be conscious of hazards, report them immediately and submit suggestions for promoting safe and healthy working conditions. Occupational health and safety was once again one of the key initiatives in 50Hertz’s business plan in the fiscal year, and is also part of Elia Group’s sustainability programme "Act Now".
The campaign "gib8" (pay attention) was extended by additional elements in order to raise 50Hertz employees’ and suppliers’ awareness of issues relating to occupational health and safety. In 2020, this resulted in two special introduction packages comprising audio-visual material and booklets used as support for the induction of both internal and external employees in specific onshore and offshore working environments. In the reporting year, the team responsible for the offshore rescue of persons in distress at sea was trained in a special safety session. Both the rescue chain and the personal protective equipment (PPE) proved to be effective in the process. The PPE worn by employees is always kept up to date, new PPE is wear-tested and the catalogue is adapted in line with the respective requirements.