GRI 306-5
50Hertz is committed to undertaking effective water conservation measures. 50Hertz plans to collect and evaluate how much water it uses for administrative and technical purposes and, where necessary, to design measures to address any issues. The focus of this work will be on water retention in the ground as part of line and substation projects, as well as preventing the contamination of water and soil through the use of hazardous substances. Thus, oil-filled installations, such as transformers or generators, will constantly be monitored. Extensive structures are located underneath oil-filled assets in onshore and offshore substations to protect the environment and prevent leaks from entering the soil or water. The installations are regularly inspected and, if necessary, renovated or renewed. The handling and storage of substances which are hazardous to water is ensured through regular inspections and staff training. Waste water may only be discharged if an official permit has been obtained and if the water has been checked to ensure that it is free of pollutants. When it comes to water protection, the Water Resources Act (WHG) and the Plant Ordinance (AwSV) are important for 50Hertz. Water protection officers monitor, advise and support the staff who are responsible for this. Our employees are regularly informed about new security regulations.
In the event that hazardous substance leaks occur, 50Hertz implements numerous measures to mitigate them. In addition to using the services of contracted service providers, damage prevention material is made available at all substations and administrative locations. In 2021, a standard set of materials was installed across our sites; this consists of a box and includes a natural binding agent, collection trays and various bits of collection and disposal equipment. Any deviations from existing processes as well as contaminations are recorded in an incident report which is written up by 50Hertz; following this, the causes are determined and evaluated, and improvement measures are defined.
50Hertz ensures that the Baltic Sea are protected through a variety of measures when it undertakes offshore activities. For example, throughout the planning stage for offshore platforms, care is taken to ensure that no hazardous substances are leaked into the sea and that equipment with biodegradable hydraulic oil is used wherever possible.