GRI 405-1, GRI 405-2, GRI 406-1
As part of the Group-wide ActNow programme, 50Hertz is committed to promoting diversity and providing equal opportunities for all employees to succeed. One of 50Hertz’s targets includes increasing the proportion of women in the workforce (including leadership positions and senior management positions) to at least 30% by 2030. On 31 December 2021, the percentage of women who occupied roles in the first and second management levels below the management board was 22%; the percentage of women in the third management level was 17%; and women represented 20% of the Group’s directors. The percentage of women in the workforce amounted to 25%. In 2020, as an addition to the company-wide network called “50:50 - the women’s network”, the “Women in Leadership” initiative was launched. This aims to promote the career progression of female junior staff. This has already had a positive effect: in 2021, 50Hertz was once again named “Best Employer for Women” by Brigitte magazine. In addition, for the third year in a row, 50Hertz took part in “Girls Day” (a programme which encourages young girls to study science, technology, engineering or mathematics). Given the COVID-19 social distancing measures which were in place, 20 girls participated in a virtual business game related to the energy transition. In addition, 50Hertz take part in the “EnterTechnik” programme, which involves young women taking part in three-month internships that have a technical focus.
Promoting diversity and equal opportunities at 50Hertz also means giving people with impairments the same opportunities as staff without impairments. An inclusion agreement which was negotiated and signed by the Works Council, the Speakers’ Committee and representatives with disabilities outlines measures to support people with impairments at work. An internal inclusion team is responsible for implementing and monitoring this agreement. In the reporting year, 1.4% of the workforce included employees with severe disabilities. In total 23 employees with disabilities were employed. In accordance with job-specific requirements related to different business areas, this number is due to be increased in future. To this end, 50Hertz is cooperating with the Annedore-Leber-Berufsbildungswerk, a training centre that supports people with disabilities, to make it easier for young people with disabilities to find a job. In the year under review, two young people from the centre carried out internships at 50Hertz. A former trainee from the organisation was hired by 50Hertz some years ago.
Around 50 diversity ambassadors ensure the establishment of an open and inclusive corporate culture across the company. To this end, workshops aimed at raising awareness about issues related to diversity and inclusion were held in the reporting year. The Elia Group Diversity Break, which was developed in 2020 and encourages staff to discuss these issues together, was enhanced in 2021: new ‘blind conversations’ were organised, during which employees were invited to anonymously express their views regarding the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion. The format will be maintained and evaluated in the coming year. An awareness-raising event about DEI was also held for managers.
To strengthen governance arrangements related to diversity and equal opportunity, an Equal Opportunities Officer was hired for the first time in the year under review. The Officer manages an independent and anonymous reporting channel, through which staff can raise questions and issues. There were no reported cases of discrimination in 2021.
Furthermore, 50Hertz has an agreement in place with AfB gGmbH. The organisation disposes of IT hardware for its clients and is a recognised company that focuses on inclusion. It offers employment opportunities to people with disabilities whilst running a sustainable business by avoiding the production of CO2 equivalent GHG emissions by processing and selling used IT equipment.