GRI 403-1, GRI Sector disclosure LA6 OHS
The prevention of accidents and work-related illnesses is a top priority for 50Hertz. Occupational health and safety are integrated into our corporate strategy, and a health and safety policy, which is binding for all employees, is also in place. Furthermore, it is an important part of the group’s ActNow programme. Our approach to occupational health and safety has been developed in recent years as part of a continuous improvement process. In addition to creating safe and healthy workplaces, the focus has been on strengthening a culture of prevention by making occupational safety a corporate value. This ensures that occupational safety considerations are embedded into the way employees’ approach and undertake their work in all support and core jobs. As part of the organisation’s annual audit plan, internal audits were conducted to ensure the continuous development of our health and safety management system. The implementation of the requirements for the occupational health and safety management system in accordance with DIN ISO 45001:2018 was again confirmed in the reporting year in a supervisory audit by an external auditor without any non-conformities. The promotion of employee health and occupational safety topics are an integral part of weekly meetings held by senior management and the Eurogrid GmbH Supervisory Board.
Every employee is required to recognise hazards, report them immediately, and submit suggestions for promoting safe and healthy working conditions.
In order to raise awareness of occupational health and safety issues amongst employees and suppliers, specific campaigns are run on a regular basis across the organisation. The translation of relevant documents and campaign content into other languages is currently being prepared. Employees are regularly provided with new personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with their needs; new equipment is checked through regular testing.